NYÍRERDŐ Nyírségi Erdészeti Zrt. (Forestry Company) manages nearly 60,000 hectares of state-owned forest land in the area of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County and Hajdú-Bihar County, in the north-eastern part of Hungary. The company’s most important task is traditional forestry: afforestation and forest renewal, production and sale of material for forest reproduction, wood processing, as well as the sale of such products.
The robinia tree, also called the “gold of the region”, definitely plays an important role in the life of the forestry company. The forest and wood processing products made from robinia trees form the basis of the company’s success. NYÍRERDŐ Zrt. pays special attention to the native tree species, the development of opportunities for the tourism, and the public welfare services.
The company has earned excellent international reputation for its wildlife management and hunting services. A large number of hunters visit the north-eastern Hungarian hunting grounds, known mainly as Gúth and Lónya, year after year.
H–4400 Nyíregyháza,
Kótaji út 29.
+36 42-598-450
Telefax: +36 42/ 501-170